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The West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited

Tender Portal


Tender Portal
Sl.No WBPDCL Ref No. TENDER NIT No. Tender Description Last date of Sale of Tender Documents Last Date of Submission of Tender Download E-Tender
6521 BkTPP/10904 Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Boiler & its Auxiliary System including piece meal job of Unit# 4 & Unit# 5 of BkTPP. 15-06-2015 22-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6522 STPS/10894 Repairing of bituminous road from plant main gate to vacuum pump house #5 of STPS 15-06-2015 22-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6523 SgTPP/10928 Procurement of Bulk Acid Tanks (BAT) for HCL & H2SO4 storage for DM Plant, CPU and CW Acidulation system for Sagardighi Thermal Power Project, WBPDCL 20-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6524 STPS/10922 Open tender for impulse line/LIE/JB painting work at unit 5&6 during O/H in C&I dept. 20-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6525 CORP/10900 Evacuation of settled ash from ash pond-1(phase-xi) in BkTPP. 20-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6526 BTPS/10896 Twelve (12) Months Rate Contract for Engagement of Seven (7) Heads of Contract Workers for Coal Sample Collection & Preparation Service for Chemical Lab at BTPS 19-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6527 BTPS/10892 Twelve Months Rate Contract for the job of repairing / Replacement of various Transfer point & Chutes, Wagon Tipplers etc 18-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6528 STPS/10899 Rewiring for separate Power supply of the Air conditioner machines at Administrative building under EM-OPH Dept. Santaldih. T. P. S. 12-06-2015 17-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6529 KTPS/10897 Annual Rate Contract for Thermal Insulation & Refractory works of T&A, B&A, and AHP area of 6X210 Units of KTPS during overhauling as well as running maintenance 17-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6530 KTPS/10893 Annual rate contract for hiring of Six (06) nos. of TATA City Ride 49+1 seater Standard Buses (Registration not before the year’2013) for transportation of employees of Kolaghat Thermal Power Station, WBPDCL 17-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6531 BTPS/10871 Renovation works including white and colour washing, painting of Dr. B.C.Roy Primary School at BTPS Township (Phase-II) Thorough repairing and maintenance works including white and colour washing, painting etc. of C-1 to C-3 at BTPS township 17-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6532 BkTPP/10879 Unit # 1 Boiler Overhauling such as Boiler Pressure Parts, Tubular Air Pre-Heater, Coal Burners, High Pressure Valves, Safety Valves, SADC, Soot Blowers etc. of BHEL make Corner Fired 210 MW Boiler of BkTPP 08-06-2015 16-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6533 STPS/10876 Loading, unloading and transportation of deposited ash, silt, slurry etc. from trenches, sub trenches, sump pit, ESP areas etc. and various types of ash, coal, dust etc. deposited in side plant area at STPS 08-06-2015 16-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6534 SgTPP/10908 Disposal of coal boulder, rejection coal, rubbish and other scrap materials from both sides of track hopper for unit # 1 & 2 at SgTPP, Murshidabad 10-06-2015 15-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6535 SgTPP/10907 Cleaning of open drains at CHP area of SgTPP and disposal of collected debris at SgTPP, WBPDCL 10-06-2015 15-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6536 SgTPP/10906 Grass cutting from DM plant, Inflammable bldg. Work-shop, TP-2 to Track hopper, Ash line from Ash plant to silo at SgTPP, WBPDCL, Murshidabad 10-06-2015 15-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6537 STPS/10902 Procurement of annual essential illumination items under EM (OPH) & EM (IPH) Depts., Santaldih T.P.S., WBPDCL 15-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6538 STPS/10901 Procurement of different types of gate valve, globe valve, check valve & butterfly valve for Ash conveying line & water line of unit 5&6 under AHP dept. STPS 11-06-2015 15-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6539 STPS/10898 Execution Order for Overhauling Job for different 415V AC L.T. Motors related with Unit#5 of AHP (E/M) and OPH (E/M) Dept. STPS. 05-06-2015 15-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6540 KTPS/10890 De-silting and re-sectioning of Bapur Canal stretching from (-) 15.0 mtr. chainage drainage pump house outlet (0.00 mtr. Chainage) to 528.50 mtr. chainage (including concrete box culvert) for monsoon preparation at KTPS 13-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6541 BTPS/10891 Annual Rate Contract for cleaning of Pyrites / Reject coal from the Pulverizers & closing / opening of Rod Gates of all Coal Feeders of all five (5) Units of BTPS 12-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6543 STPS/10885 Annual Maintenance Contract for Electrical O&M jobs under the scope of EM-OPH (Township) Dept. Santaldih. T. P. S. 04-06-2015 12-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6544 KTPS/10889 Annual Contract for performance monitoring and observation of all 6 ESPs 6 x 210MW Units of Kolaghat Thermal Power Station. 01-06-2015 10-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6545 STPS/10875 Annual Rate Contract for maintenance of illumination system along with other Electrical Works under CHP (E) Dept., Santaldih T.P.S. 29-05-2015 10-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6546 STPS/10872 Procurement of Different types of Printer Cartridges under IT Dept., STPS. 29-05-2015 10-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6547 STPS/10884 Execution Order for Overhauling Job for different 415V A.C L.T. Motors related with Unit#5 under maintenance scope of IPH (E/M) Dept. STPS. 29-05-2015 09-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6548 CORP/10856 Design, engineering, supply, transport, storage, insurance, erection, testing and commissioning of complete Hydrogen Generation Plant Package along with associated Electrical System, Control & Instrumentation System, HVAC System for SgTPP extn.#3&4. 22-05-2015 09-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6549 BTPS/10886 Schedule maintenance of EL-76 Pulverizers and Various Jobs of Servicing of Coupling & Strainer cleaning of auxiliaries on annual maintenance contract basis under B&A (1-4) Units for BTPS Procurement of Various sizes Grinding Balls for EL-76 Pulverizers (1-4) Units for BTPS 08-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6550 STPS/10874 Operation and Maintenance of Industrial Relation Management System, Material Tracking System and Issuance of Visitor Photo Gate Pass and Vehicle Pass at Santaldih Thermal Power Station 03-06-2015 08-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6551 SgTPP/10852 Contract for both Operation and Maintenance (Mechanical & Electrical)of Ash Handling Plant of Stage-I, SgTPP. 19-05-2015 08-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6552 CORP/10850 Design & Engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning, testing of DCS for unit no # 6 at KTPS 15-05-2015 05-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6553 CORP/10844 Supply,Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Air Conditioning System of control room and associated areas of BTPS, Unit-5, using Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM) chillers 04-06-2015 05-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6554 STPS/10882 Annual Rate Contract for round the clock operation of 01(one) no. In-motion Weigh Bridge along with Computer & Printer as per Scope of Work under CHP(O) Dept., STPS. 30-05-2015 04-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6555 STPS/10881 Overhauling Job of different 6.6 KV H.T. Motors related with Unit#5 under maintenance scope of IPH (E/M) Dept. STPS 28-05-2015 04-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6556 BkTPP/10868 Fitting, fixing grill (Box type) with painting at ground floor windows of some part of B type quarters, C type quarters and D type quarters 04-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6557 CORP/10849 Evacuation of ash from ash pond (Phase-X) in Bakreswar Thermal Power Station at Dist. Birbhum, West Bengal. 15-05-2015 04-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6558 STPS/10862 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of CCTV Camera and related network at New Intake Pump House (at Bhiringee) & at S.T.PS O&M Store under, IT Dept., STPS 22-05-2015 03-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6559 BkTPP/10835 Tender document for Procurement of 01 No. Dual Source 3 Phase Secondary Voltage & Current Injection Kit for Testing of Relays, Transducers & Calibration of Meters at Bakreswar Thermal Power Project. 15-05-2015 03-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal
6560 STPS/10860 ARC for cleaning of both Power & Control Cable Trays located underground & over ground including associated Conveyor Lines, Crusher House, Stacker – cum – Reclaimers etc. and Electrical Equipments and Motors at various locations starting from.. 22-05-2015 02-06-2015 Original Go To E-Tender Portal