Bakreswar Ther­mal Power Plant (BkTPP)

Address : PO: Bk.T.P.P | Dist: Birb­hum | PIN: 731104


Sl No. Units Capacity(MW)
1 Unit-I 210
2 Unit-II 210
3 Unit-III 210
4 Unit-IV 210
5 Unit-V 210
Total Capacity 1050


Bakreswar Ther­mal Power Project, under The West Ben­gal Power Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion Lim­ited, is one of the most reli­able and pres­ti­gious coal-​fired power plants in West Ben­gal and in India as well. In two stages the total capac­ity of the plant is (05 X 210)MW. Funded by the Over­seas Eco­nomic Co-​Operation Fund(OECF) of Japan Govt. — sub­se­quently cos­ti­tuted as Japan Bank for Inter­na­tional Co-​operation (JBIC) — this project is one of the first Fast Track projects to be suc­cess­fully com­pleted within sched­uled time.

Impor­tant Dates in the His­tory of BkTPP :
Unit Synchronisation COD
1 17.07.1999 29.11.2000
2 20.05.2000 01.04.2001
3 21.03.2001 11.10.2001
4 23.12.2007 08.03.2009
5 30.03.2009 27.06.2009

Bakreshwar Dam and Reservoir Project

Constructed across river Bakreshwar, it is an integral part of Bakreshwar Thermal Power Project, which relies on the reservoir for fulfilling its raw water requirements during the months of April, May and June.

Salient Features of Bakreshwar Dam

Project Details
Name of the project Bakreshwar Dam and Reservoir
Purpose of Project Reservoir for Thermal Power Plant
Year of Completion July, 2000
Height of Dam 30.5 metre above deepest foundation level
Classification(CWC) High Height(HH) Large Dam
Catchment and Reservoir
Catchment Area 109.42 km2
Full Reservoir Level EL 78.60m
Maximum Water Level EL 79.02m